Prof. V.I.Trukhin
Dean, Faculty of Physics
Moscow State University
We are happy to greet you, young people who decided to devote themselves
to studying the fundamental laws of nature in all their manifestations
ranging from tiny particles of the microworld to the infinite depths of
megaspace! Lomonosov Moscow State University is the University number
one in Russia and one of the leading Universities in the world.
The system of higher education in Physics at our faculty is recognized
worldwide. Our graduates who work in science have offers not only from
Russian Universities and scientific centers, but also from leading universities
and research centers in Europe, USA, Japan, and other countries, where
they successfully develop their scientific carreer. Our students are also
quite often invited for the graduate studues abroad, even before completing
their education at the Faculty of Physics.
At the Faculty of Physics, just as at Lomonosov Moscow State University
in general, we have an established true democratic relationship between
the students and the teaching staff. Students resolve many problems concerning
everyday life themselves through the student's self-government bodies.
I am sure that the years you will spend at the University and Faculty
of Physics will be the best memories in your life and hope that after
graduation a fascinating work of a research physicist is awaiting for