29.08.2003 September 1st, 2003, is the Day of first-year students at Moscow State

September 1st, 2003, is the Day of the first-year students of Moscow State University. For the freshmen at the Faculty of Physics, the dean of Physics, Prof. V.I.Trukhin, will deliver the first lecture, introducing the Faculty of Physics. It will take place at the Khokhlov grand Physical Lecturing Hall, at 9:00-10:30.

Then, Acad. Prof. Victor Sadovnichii will deliver a public lecture for the freshmen of Moscow State (room 01, Main Bldg., 10:30-11:30).

After that, in the program there are the following events: Ceremonial Welcome and the Concert(DK MSU, 12:00-13:30); Greetings to the freshmen (square in front of the main MSU entrance, 13:30-14:30); Holiday at the Sport Center of MSU (MSU baseball stadium, 15:00-17:30); Concert(room 01, Main MSU Bldg., 17:00-19:00).

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