25.04.2005 Международная сибирская рабочая школа по электронным приборам и материалам

FEM simulation of sensors, MEMS, electron devices - Physical phenomena in electron materials, including heterostructures, quantum wires and quantum dots - Electron devices for biology and medicine - Industrial and power electronics - Advanced technologies for development of the electron devices and materials - Modern technologies for control and information transmission, computer safety - Lasers, laser technologies and electron optics - Education programs and technologies for Russian young specialists.
Novosibirsk State Technical University Institute of Semiconductor Physics,
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
IEEE Novosibirsk State Technical University Student Branch

SPONSORS: IEEE Electron Devices Society
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society
IEEE Russian Siberian Section
IEEE Novosibirsk Joint MTT/ED/CPMT/COM/SSC Chapter
Zipped file at http://inter.nstu.ru/edm.zip/ contains further details (Preliminary program,Call for papers and application form)
Novosibirsk State Technical University
RUSSIA 630092, NOVOSIBIRSK, 92, Karl Marx prospect, 20, NSTU EDM-2005
Organizing Committee Tel. +7 (3832) 460 877, +7 (3832) 369 661 Fax +7 (3832) 460 209
E-mail: ieeensk@yandex.ru

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