08.10.2008 Научный семинар кафедры акустики
8 октября 2008 г., 15:20, в ауд. 5-52 состоится обзорный доклад (на английском языке) Даниэля Жувэ, директора департамента механики жидкостей и акустики Центральной инженерной школы Лиона, Франция "Новые тенденции в аэроакустике: от акустических аналогий к прямому численному моделированию"

Аннотация доклада:

New Trends in Aeroacoustics:
From acoustic analogies to direct numerical simulations
Daniel Juvé
Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides et d’Acoustique
Ecole centrale de Lyon, France

Modern aeroacoustics started in the early 50’s when Lighthill developed his famous acoustic analogy in an attempt to understand, and reduce, the terrifying noise generated by jet aircrafts. For nearly 50 years the subject of aerodynamic sound was dominated by approaches based upon this analogy or variants of it.
Recently, the availability of powerful computing facilities combined with the development of numerical algorithms specially designed to simulate sound propagation over large distances has paved the way for "a second golden age of aeroacoustics" (to quote Lighthill himself).
In this talk we will first give an overview of this evolution from acoustic analogies to computational aeroacoustics (CAA). Typical illustrations of the CAA approach will then be presented with applications to jet noise evaluation. Finally the use of CAA as a tool for understanding physical mechanisms of sound emission by flows will be discussed.

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