Расположение, контактная информация
Главный корпус факультета, комн. 2-32а
Тел.: +7(495)939-30-46, +7(495)939-43-98; Факс: +7(495)932-88-20 E-mail: inter@phys.msu.su,
URL: http://foroff.phys.msu.su - для иностранных абитуриентов.
Приемные часы -- понедельник--пятница: 14:00--17:00
Никифорова Наталия Николаевна, начальник отдела
Комн. 2-32a; Тел.: +7(495)939-43-98
Приемные часы -- понедельник--пятница: 14:00--17:00 |
Кудряшова Алла Леонидовна, старший инспектор
Комн. 2-32a; Тел.: +7(495)939-30-46
Приемные часы -- понедельник--четверг: 14:00--17:00; пятница: 14:00--16:00 |
The ERASMUS Mundus Consortium is happy to announce a call for applications for 210 scholar-ships for mobility flows between the Russian Federation (RF) and the European Union (EU) in both directions.
The Consortium aims at mutual enrichment and better understanding between the EU and RF through exchange of persons, knowledge and skills at higher education levels.
Furthermore, the program contains the opportunity to develop and corroborate new ties between the EU and RF. It helps European universities to gain international visibility by enhancing the attractive-ness of European higher education to students from other parts of the world and it broadens the po-tentials for Russian scientists to obtain international recognition.
The Main Activities will be:
- Broad-based exchange of EU and RF undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students, post-doctorate researchers and teaching staff
- Providing opportunities to RF nationals working in public administration, public and private en-terprises with study, training or research opportunities in the EU
- A clear commitment to include RF nationals with an indigenous population background tar-geted by a specific national policy, disadvantaged groups such as disabled students and eco-nomically disadvantaged students.
The call is open to all disciplines. Mobility can only take place towards the member universities of the consortium. Therefore the following mobility flows are possible:
a. Student/employee of one of the 8 EU universities towards one of the 12 RF Universities
b. Student/employee of one of the 12 RF universities towards one of the 8 EU Universities
c. Student/employee of any RF university or employee of a company, public administration or others in the RF towards one of the 8 EU Universities.
The application deadline is 17 October 2008 at Technical University Dresden, Germany
Further information, application documents and a detailed list of all participating universities:
or contact:
TU Dresden
International Office
Ms Kerstin Kruse
Mommsenstr. 10-12
01069 Dresden
Tel.: +49 351 463-33398
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